Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Das Shoppe Part 2

My final wander of the gathering took me up to the Vipers Camp. Das Shoppe had replaced their distinctive old tent with a new marquee and it stood proudly by the entrance to the faction. I was made welcome and encouraged to sit where I felt happiest to sketch. For an hour I enjoyed the bright sunshine and banter with those tending das shoppe, those calling in and those passing by. I am always glad of some encouragement and a chance to chat, the Vipers of all ages who stopped by were not in short supply and I am grateful.

As I finished up and said farewell I could see a battle raging in the market place, I picked up my pace and headed for the Healers Guild to grab a sash before dashing into the melee to do what I could.

Standing Armour.

With the morning sun gaining strength I sought the shelter and coolness of the ritual circle and succumbed to the temptation of sketching the suit of armour standing by the central pier.

While I was concentrating on the proportions and gifting the sketch with as much accuracy as I could, a wandering merchant from the Vipers came over to chat. He was most generous with his knowledge and explained many of the aspects and symbolisms surrounding us (I have tried to pass on some of this with the explanations accompanying other sketches from this years gathering).

I stopped sketching to chat for some twenty minutes or half an hour with him, it was only when some rough looking seafarers passed by he seemed to gain a desire to move on and left towing his wares behind him.

Some Comfort for the Rangers.

Down the slope from the Shian tent was the simple elegance of the rangers ridge tent, I was invited by Taenia to have a coffee & glance in and see the layout. Chairs were covered with soft fabrics and the floor with rugs, by the chairs were rugged bags and equipment to provide comfort and relaxation for those who travel many miles off the beaten track. Unlike the extravagant tents of wealthy merchants, the rangers tent was modest but clearly a place where a weary traveller could rest well.

The Campaign Home of the Shian.

My first wander of Monday morning was a short one, I intended to capture a new image of my own groups home when we are on campaign. Late on the previous evening we had been enjoying mead and good company, our quartermaster Ragnar had taken much time and care to put together a book of history and deeds for the Shian, The Order of Fenris had also done so and were kind enough to come to our tent and show me. While I looked upon their work we listened to our pack elder Merrall Shain recount the tale of the forming of our group and pack philosophy. I will not recount the tale here as I do not have Merrall's rhetoric, I will simply say "As a pack we are strong,".

The Unicorn Camp.

During my guild service on Saturday morning Sunspark, Soal & I had ran across the field from the guild tent to offer assistance and healing to the Unicorns when they were under attack. I returned to their camp on Sunday afternoon to request permission to sketch, once again I was well received and offered the protection and hospitality of the camp. Once again the angle I chose to sketch from lay outside the faction wards.

I had almost finished my sketch when White Reavers appeared and marched in. I sneaked in after them to make myself available to assist should I be needed. The Reavers seemed to take issue with some in the Unicorns but fortunately they chose to leave without claiming any lives. It was with some relief I sat myself back down and finished my drawing.

A Wander to the Dragons.

From my own faction camp I found my eyes drawn to a distinctive tent standing tall in the Dragon camp. I had promised myself a trip up to the Dragons to ask if I could draw it down as milestone in my travels. On the Sunday morning I found it was quiet in the healers guild and I decided to make the journey. I asked Laucian a member of the Dragons and fellow Healers Guild member if he could point me in the direction of the right person to speak to. He suggested Jenna, their High Bard would be a good person and by good fortune she was standing on the gate when I arrived.

The owners of the tepee were not yet up but the Dragons offered me the hospitality and safety of their camp, after a brief walk around to find the best angle to sketch from I found myself sitting outside the faction wards between the Dragons and the Jackals. Luckily all was quiet and the area was not hostile, however Jenna had kindly given me permission to run to the factions gate if situation changed.

Later that evening I was speaking with an Ogre who was a trader with the Dragons, he was good enough to inform me the tepee belonged to The Court of Mercury. Should they ever see it I hope the sketch pleases them.

A Celebration of Life & Growth.

During my wanders of the Ritual Circle the previous day I came across an area the Unicorns had dedicated to the aspects of life and growth. The scene was a delight for a soul such as I, the gentle breeze and trickling of water gave me good company as I seated myself down and enjoyed an hour of peace and sketching.

The Shields of the Storm Ravens

My walk into the camp on Sunday morning brought some familiar sights, a few die hard souls who had stayed up all night were sitting by the fire pit and the grass glistened with morning dew. I noticed on my arrival the day before The Storm Ravens had extended their tent with a tarp. Beneath it were the shields, helms and weapons of these bold fighters. I had little doubt they would be put to use later in the day but while it was quiet & the camp was still I decided to sketch them.

The Ritual & the Cemetery

My duties to the healers guild kept me busy for much of the day and it was early evening before I took to my wanderings with my sketchbook. Once again I was drawn back to the area of the ritual circle. Beside the lights and sounds of the circle itself was a small cemetery holding the remains of the fallen heros of our hosts. The stillness was a marked contrast to the activity of the circle itself and I settled down to sketch as the ritualists worked near by.

Rituals carry their risks and despite the skill of the ritualists one ceremony caused some harm to some of those who had just completed their work. Graf, the High Healer of the Harts & I rushed into the circle once the seal was lowered to give what aid we could. Once all was well I returned to my sketch. The next ritual was by Twig Splitter and his group, I was gifted a fine tale of humour & meaning to listen to while I worked, a privilege indeed!

A Banner of Skulls

To the side of the ritual circle where areas demonstrating the aspects of Unicorn life & culture. As with any culture, death features and is recognised. The smell of turned earth hung in the air above the neat boarders of the grave, stone pillars framed the junction where it met with the walls of the room and it was topped by a banner of skulls of various sizes. 

As the hour of the morning grew later, I moved my position to capture the scene of melancholy.

The Scales of Grynd.

With the sounds and scents of breakfast being prepared in various camps I took a stroll down to the ritual circle area of Grind to explore the culture of the Unicorn Faction. On entering the rooms adjacent to the circle I was confronted by an enormous set of scales. It seemed fitting for such a nation with a history of merchants to turn a small item essential to fair trade into such a grand statement.

I enjoyed spending time sketching it and chatting with those who stopped for a while to say hello. A little conversation and time to ease yourself into the the day is always a good start.

The Return of the Raggers.

The sight of the encampment walls over topped with the peaks of tents & weapon seated within their racks told of the return of the Raggers to the fields of the Gathering. At such an early hour on the first morning the camp was quiet with only a hint of smoke from the fire pit and the ruffle of canvas in the wind.

I found myself  a spot close to the entrance and set about my first sketch of the event, it seems wherever the Raggers go they bring a little of the Norscan weather with them. A light shower sent me scurrying to the cover of the Shian tent close by to save the running of the ink.

Monday, 5 August 2013

The Way is Blocked.

The briefest of visits to the ritual circle at Selby would tell you all was not well. Notes and messages were pinned to walls to announce warnings of the fog, to request information on those missing from families or just to declare hopelessness & despair at the situation of the Harts Faction and the lands of Albion.

Within the wooden walls near the ritual circle was a gateway barred by wooden planks and chains. A hard hearted soul could easily take a note from the walls to proclaim a small part of the state of Selby. I decided to sketch the blocked gateway & to take only memories of the anguished words and leave them for others to come across and read in the hope of someone being found.

Statues by the Circle.

Amongst the droning noise of the wind, the shifting lights and the chaotic forms of the tentacles surrounding the ritual circle stood the serene forms of peaceful statues. Despite the sounds and sights of movement the statues seemed to hold a remarkable presence and I found it irresistible not to sketch one of them. 

The Bees Command Tent.

In the early afternoon I found myself sitting in the entrance to the Shian Tent looking out across a quiet Wolves Camp. The pack had decided to head of in search of lunch, but I decided to delay my meal while I sketched the Bees command tent. Normally the tent bustled with the group in their black and yellow battle colours, but this time only a solitary member sat within the shade and held a vigil on the camp. I had been meaning to sketch their tent for a while but had never seemed to find the time to do it, it would have been a shame to miss the opportunity of a quiet hour and not capture an image of their campaign home.

A Cart for the Order of Fenris.

I set out bright and early on the Sunday morning determined to sketch the new cart the Fenris Boys had made. Sure enough it stood proud outside their shrine with a backdrop of black tower shields to frame the view. I had hardly made a mark on the sketchbook when some of their order and an honoured guest of theirs from the Tarantula faction came over to chat. The cart was made by just one of their order and had been carefully designed to dismantle fold away when more room was needed. The Order are well known for their devotion, their willingness to fight and their enjoyment of a beer & song, perhaps they should also get recognition for their craftsmanship too.

The Ruins at Selby

I did not know if it was the passing of time or calamity to cause the ruins of Selby, the clock no longer told the current hour, only the moment where it ceased to tick.

I sat alone for a while as I sketched, finally a passer by came over and asked "are you Anders?". It turned out she was Lala the owner of Das Shoppe in the Vipers Camp and had wandered over to say she had seen and enjoyed the sketch I had done of her shop at the Spring Moot.

She now has a new marquee, I will look forward to calling in at the Vipers when I can to say hello and see if I can put aside some time to sketch her new shop.

Needles & Chisels

After breakfast on Sunday morning I decided to wander to the merchants tents in the open ground by the ruins at Selby. Temptation overcame me and I called in at Needles & Chisels to chat with the proprietors and treat myself to a Mead Cup skillfully turned from oak. We talked for a while and I enjoyed looking over the goods they had carefully crafted with their own hands and discussed issues of craftsmanship & the pleasures & details of creating something special from raw materials. We were soon joined by my pack sister Freydis from the Shian Wolves, her own expertise lay with the craft of needle and the loom, the conversation gained greater depth & flow as the four of us began to share both experience and appreciation for our own specialities.

To behold something of individuality created by a skilled hand brings much more to life than convenience, it brings a tale and spirit all of its own.

As our conversation drew to a close I settled myself outside beneath the shifting clouds and put pen to paper to capture the scene of the stall to bring to mind the memories in later times and share them with others who might call in to read these lines.

(Many thanks to Tony & Lesley)

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Leaders & Masters of the Armourers Guild

From time to time I enjoy the challenge of sketching people as well as places. I was recently contacted my Master Havaar of the Armourers Guild, he was hoping to arrange for a sketch of those who work hard within his guild and have progressed well within the ranks. I was delighted to get such a request and here is the drawing I produced for them. I hope it was a pleasant surprise for them at their recent auction.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

A Standing Bow of Strength.

My last sketch of the Fayre took me back to the guild tent and found me sitting before the Archers Guild. Within was a mighty crossbow mounted on a stand. Crowds and passers by had not yet found their way into the guilds and I took advantage of the clear view to sketch their bow and study its form.

As I worked a fellow mage emerged from the desk at the Mages Guild wandered over to look over my shoulder and give me a bag of treats to take on the road. A generous act and I will look forward to meeting that fine fellow when I next spend time in the Mages Guild.

The Tarantulas Gate

The final morning at the Fayre brought another day of sunshine. The Tarantula's faction camp had been our neighbour for the event and our factions had helped each other many times over when threats had arisen. I took the opportunity to walk to their gate and study the ornate pillars marking the entrance to their realm. 

The dwellers of the underdark are certainly craftsfolk and artists, some would see their work as dark or macabre, but they seem to live their own way without compromise and it shows in their craft and art.

The previous evening I had looked across from our camp to theirs as I did my duty on the gate in the early hours. Our camp held fire and song, theirs glowed with lights and colours to stand proud in the underdark. It was a pleasure to sit and capture the image of the gates in my sketchbook.

A Fortune Lay Out of Reach.

In the late evening I answered an invitation from a good friend who works as a guard at the casino. It was a pleasure to be given a guided tour of the casino and be introduced to some of the staff who work there. Crowds gathered around the tables, the poker tables held only a few modest conversations while the blackjack tables called to onlookers and the gasps and sighs of a turning card.

I sat at an unused table central to the room and sketched the comings and goings of the blackjack tables so as not to disturb the concentration of the poker players. I was hardly noticed as the cards held the trance of potential for a fortune, if only it could be reached.

Purity of Voice & Generosity of Heart.

Many times I have listened to the Bards across the guild tent and enjoyed hearing them. As evening began to draw in I took the opportunity of a quiet spell to wander over and introduce myself. I was made most welcome and they were very accommodating in allowing me to sit within the guild and sketch as they practiced and attended to those who called at their desk. Books and instruments lay around me as I worked and the light slowly faded, but voices and chords still rang clear as if a muse sang through them.

The Lifemasters Fountain

My wanderings took me from the Tesseract back into the Healers Guild. There I met with my pack brother Soal and sister Freydis. We caught up on the events of the morning and relaxed in the shade of the guild as the morning sun grew in strength.

My attention was called by the fountain sitting quietly in the corner and as the discussions continued and the masters arrived for the days tasks I sketched the fountains form as I considered what events might hold for the day.

The Tesseract

Stone pillars and wooden walls lay draped in ivy, flowers and a multitude of butterflies. Wards glimmered with a strange light and a white pillar stood centrally in the central space. The Tesseract seemed to embody the essence of the our Fey hosts and would prove to be the backdrop for many competitions and games at the Fayre. I spent an hour soaking in the atmosphere without interruption before the days events began as I moved the scene from my senses into the sketchbook.

The Bears Gate

Another glorious morning brought Iduna's blessings for me as I took my first stroll of the day. It was only a short journey up to the Bears gate, all was tranquil and the youngsters of the Bear Faction took turns to run down to the gate and check the comings and goings of those who happened to be passing through. The gate would no doubt seem more turbulent moments later in the day as those hostile to the faction chanced an attack, but the Bears are sturdy folk and would no doubt meet the challenge head on.

As I was finishing my sketch, Will McCaullich wandered down to say hello and chat for a while. It seems he has discovered the pleasures of going for a wash in the morning and was on his way to partake of warm waters. A gentler start to the day than his usual method of throwing himself into a mountain tarn in his homeland of Caledonia!

Ancient Symbols & Runes

The afternoon brought me back to my own faction camp for food and the familiar company of my pack. Suitably refreshed and having done a stint on the faction gates I strolled towards the faction command tent. Standing before it were two standards holding symbols and runes of the heart beasts for those of the Norse lands.

The standards showed care, craftsmanship and the history of our people, I settled myself on the floor next to the Storm Ravens tent to sketch down the sight before me.

In Service to the Healers Guild

With the crowds beginning to arrive within the guild tent, I made my way over to the Healers Guild and made myself available for any duties they may have.

As discussions took place between masters and those at the desk I passed the quiet moments by reaching for the sketchbook and drawing down the healers symbol. Luckily the morning was quiet when it came to injuries and skirmishes with conversations and negotiations holding sway over the proceedings, and so the sketch spread to capture more of the scene behind the desk.

The Armourers Guild

The rising sun brought warmth to the later morning however I still found few people to be about. I walked up the gentle hill and into the guild tent. To my right was the corner occupied by the Armourers Guild. Their anvil stood proudly before their room and bore their emblem. I settled on the edge of light and shadow in the entrance of the guild tent and put pen to paper. The arts of the armourer are something of a mystery to me; method, understanding and a spirit of craftsmanship take form and function within the hot coals, the plate of the anvil and the quenching barrel.

The Guilds at the Fayre

After enjoying the festivities of the fayres first evening I grabbed a few hours sleep in the darkest hours and rose with the dawn. Clear light and a warm gentle breeze brought fresh energy to my mind as I walked the fields alone. The peaks and valleys of the guild tent stood before me on rising ground. I settled down to sketch and for a while I was alone with my thoughts, vision and the scratching of my pen. Before long I had gained a new companion, we passed the time of day and chatted as we both took comfort in the warming rays of the sun.

A ruffling noise behind us took our attention to a tent lower down the field, three ducks appeared from the tent and waddled past us. They headed up the hill and into the guild tent. My new companion and I were left bemused and laughing at the sight, I suspect they were only foraging for dropped scraps of food but the line and purpose they took showed they had made this trip before.

The Merchant Camp

Since the spring moot I have taken to my wanders and made contact with good family friends. It was mid afternoon when I stepped into the clearing containing their tents and cooking fires. For I while I relaxed with my past acquaintances, drank mead and discussed the comings and goings of a life I left behind when I took retirement. Warmth, a good meal, mead and good company, sometimes simple pleasures and hospitality are more than enough to fill the soul.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

The Storm Ravens Shelter

On my arrival at the Spring Moot I wandered into the Storm Ravens camp to introduce myself and I gained a warm welcome. During my time sitting within the Wolf Camp they have been happy to stand by me and chat for a while, they have also been encouraging of my sketching and asked how much it would cost for a sketch of their tent.

In return for their help (especially with regard to discussing matters of healing) and encouragement the answer is nothing. It was a pleasure to make my final sketch of the Spring Moot a sketch of the Storm Raven Tent.

For now I will look forward the GEF and seeing my pack brothers and sister of the Shian, I will also look forward to greeting the many other friends I have met on my wanders & sketching at the Spring Moot

A Meeting With Malthus Calgar & the NDM

Like many, I look for ways to better myself. It was such a way which took me to the Mages Guild to seek guidance, council and membership. I was informed I would be considered but would need to speak with my faction High Mage to gain reference before I could be interviewed. I have never had the pleasure of meeting with Malthus before and was a little nervous of approaching unannounced to ask such a favour. But needs must, and I took the wander from the desk at the Mages Guild up to the Wold Camp and the tent of the NDM.

It was a relief to see the High Mage relaxing with the rest of the Militia in the early evening sun and it put my mind at ease knowing I would not be disturbing duties. The NDM spoke of the importance of enjoying a good evening bask and Malthus proved to be approachable, friendly and was kind enough to write my reference in my sketchbook.

Sadly our conversation was cut a little short when we were concerned our camp was about to come under attack. Once the threat had passed I sat myself down close to the unlit fire pit and sketched the NDM tent onto the back of the reference Malthus had written for me. On showing the reference to Francis Littlefoot of the Mages Guild he seemed well pleased.

My thanks to Malthus and the NDM for making me welcome and helping me with my learning.

A Lone Shield at The Order of Fenris

I arrived back at the Wolf Camp in the early afternoon, as I passed through the gate I could see the men of the Order of Fenris preparing themselves for a march. Their camp was obscured by the comings and goings of figures clad in long black armour and many shields lay against the wall of their tent. Following a series of shouts and orders, they grabbed their shields and lined up to march out of the faction gate. A few moments later and they were off down the hill towards the market square. The camp quietened and their tent stood in silence with only a single shield standing by the entrance.

The sun stood alone in a cloudless sky and I settled beneath the warm rays to draw the scene before the sound of marching boots and calls heralded the sound the Order returning home.

The Deeper Caves of the Tarantula's Circle

My first visit to the Tarantula's circle encouraged further visits to spend time in the quiet of the Underdark. Within the darker caves a large ornate silver box lay in a corner surrounded by the webs of spiders. Skeletons and cocoons were also held firm against the wall by the silver white threads and webs.

Light was not so abundant in the deeper caves and sketching was not so easy in the darkened corners. Both time and focus was needed to judge line, form and perspective to set to paper the scenes before me.

As I was finishing my work I felt the scampering of a tiny form upon the back of my hand. A closer look revealed a small spider who had chosen to use me as a route along her travels. I carefully set her down by the wall. It seems there are many eyes in the Underdark.

Das Shoppe

My duties on the Saturday of the Spring Moot took me to the camps of many factions as I accompanied Master Healer Raven Fire. One camp was that of the Viper Faction and I enjoyed shelter from the weather beneath the canvas as issues were discussed and resolved. Outside, close to the gate of the Vipers was Das Shoppe, a twin poled tent carrying flags above the canvas roof. Chairs and tables lay outside of the entrance providing a welcome rest for the travelers who called by.

My urge was to reach for my pen and sketchbook, but discussions and intent listening was needed, not to mention I would have had to rudely turn my back our hosts to turn my attention fully to the tent. Needless to say it was my first port of call on Sunday morning to put the scene within my mind to the paper of the sketchbook.

The Home of a Ragger Warrior

As the morning aged and the sun rose higher amongst the passing clouds, I wandered back to my own camp in the Wolf Faction. Close to our own tent was the distinctive white and green form of one of the warriors of the Raggers. Its unusual form and pronounced ridge pole caught my eye and as I awaited for my companions to awaken I sat down to sketch. It seemed the Norscan weather was not too far away as I hurried to finish before another spring shower cast itself upon the landscape and my fresh ink work.

This would be my last sketch for the day as my duties needed attending.

A Chamber of Council, Perhaps?

With my first sketch done, I moved deeper into the cave. It seemed surprisingly light and inviting, the second chamber contained a semi circle of white high backed chairs surrounding a stone table. Behind the chairs the walls held drapes adorned with markings or runes of a nature unknown to me. The light reflected off the empty chairs and gave me plenty to work by. It seemed wrong for me to sit in the chairs so I settled on the floor next to an open box of scrolls.
It seemed the world was still mainly asleep with the exception of an occasional visitor, for a while all was peaceful as I sketched and pondered on the purpose of the arrangement before me.

The Circle at the Spring Moot

I took to my wandering on the first morning of the spring moot, it was early and the lands seemed quiet and peaceful. It was not long before I happened upon a cave filled with strange lights and the low drone of air moving through darkened tunnels. The first cavern was clearly a ritual circle special to the faction of the Tarantula. A face formed from the rock over the circle held would soon be holding gaze over those who performed there. I settled myself down and sheltered from the spring shower outside to put pen to paper and capture the scene before me.