Tuesday, 28 May 2013

A Fortune Lay Out of Reach.

In the late evening I answered an invitation from a good friend who works as a guard at the casino. It was a pleasure to be given a guided tour of the casino and be introduced to some of the staff who work there. Crowds gathered around the tables, the poker tables held only a few modest conversations while the blackjack tables called to onlookers and the gasps and sighs of a turning card.

I sat at an unused table central to the room and sketched the comings and goings of the blackjack tables so as not to disturb the concentration of the poker players. I was hardly noticed as the cards held the trance of potential for a fortune, if only it could be reached.


  1. I lost 8 gold while you drew that!!


  2. I had a feeling a few people were loosing gold while I drew that one down Shaun, I hope you have better luck next time. I did try my hand a blackjack once I finished the sketch, It is fair to say I am certainly no High Roller either, I was glad to get out with my shirt still on! :o)
