Saturday, 3 September 2016

The Book of Wandering.

At the GEF I asked a good friend to have a go at making a new sketchbook for me. He did a great job and I would like to say thanks here and show you what he had made.

Thanks to both Tony and Lesley of Needles and Chisels, always a pleasure to call by stall to chat and see what you have been crafting. Look forward to catching up with you soon ;o)

Also shown below the book is an antique binding given to me by a "Fabulous" Shian as a thank you for a sketch I did for him. Thank you, it will keep the postcards safe and crease free.

The Spirit by the Fire Pit

My final sketch of the Gathering took me the ritual circle at Camelot. Just outside of the seals stood two large fire pits with a stone lion overlooking the approach through the smoke and flames. For a moment or two it was almost as if Kenna had stopped by to say hello, but sadly no. I will miss her warm smile and gentle ways, but will remember her with great fondness.

(Thank you Mandy for all you have done for us, hope you get to enjoy working behind the scenes for a while)

The Court of Camelot

On the final morning of the Gathering I wandered back into the ritual area of Camelot. The main chamber was home to chairs and seemed to be a setting for reception and greeting. At that time in the morning it was quiet, leaving me with only a hint of who might have held court and the conversations that might have taken place.

The Druids Axe.

Over the last year I have got to know Abrozar of the healers guild and Gryphons well. He was telling me of his druid ways and the care he gives to the trees. He also took time to describe a favourite flint axe for his work. After listening to his words I sketched the image, I hope my guess work is right and I can compare it to the real thing when we next meet (some OOC notes on this sketch).

The Watching Owl.

Some animals seem to hold an affinity for mages and mystics. The Owl is one I seem to find reassuring. Stillness and receptiveness has value when you seek to become part of the surroundings. Above the library chamber an owl took roost above the shelves, I wondered how many noticed as the passed beneath.

The Chained Book.

Anyone who spends a little time around magical texts knows not all books are safe. Within the library chamber of Camelot a book lay chained to a desk, behind it concoctions bubbled and a mortar and pestle stood ready.

Xatobi Holds an Audience.

It was hard not to notice the arrival of daemons within the Powers Guild area. Over the course of a few minutes several had arrived and it was not long before Xatobi herself walked in and seated herself amongst the crowd to hold a meeting about a rite she wished to begin. I stood at the back catching a few words and notes as the heat and humidity built.

The Healers Guild Structure.

Many things have changed many times within the Healers Guild over the last few years but there has been a constant presence there striving to make improvements. Crymson has long worked to deal with curses and provide assistance to those in need. This year he stepped up as Lifemaster and together with Bastion has made constant improvements to the guild area. Before the arrival and opening of the guild for the day I sat beneath the entrance canopy and looked for a subject to commit to my book to capture the current stability within the guild. Beside a lantern was a parchment listing the roles within the guild. I took a moment or two to jot it down.

The Stone Lion.

I strolled within the well lit rooms of the Court rooms, among the architecture was a recurring feature of a stone lion projecting a silent roar from the walls. Banners and shields were hung below the forms. It seemed appropriate to sketch this feature within my book.

Merlins Cave.

I searched within the court of Camelot to find my first subject for sketching at the Gathering. I noticed a pair of doors had been knocked off their hinges and passed through into a dark crystal cave. Forms were trapped in the rocks and a strange mist rose from an old cauldron in there. I settled in to sketch the scene into my book and found after a few minutes my spell casting ability had been enhanced (sadly this didn’t last once I left the cave). Others wandered in to admire the location and several referred to it as Merlins Cave. Very fitting I suppose.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Statue of Justice

My final sketch of the moot took me back to the Militia Guild. Standing on a table at the back of their guild area was an elegant statue I had not noticed before. It proved a challenging subject but I was pleased with the end result. Before I left I penned a card to the Militia Captain who would be on duty later in the morning. I hope they find the new image & hope it pleases them.

The Misty Pool

To the north entrance of the ritual circle area stood a small pool bubbling and tumbling with mists. Many objects sat within the waters, I decided to take only memories & make a sketch to accompany them.

Scrolls at the Pendragon Shrine

The last morning of the summer moot provided a warm & peaceful start to the day. I sat & sketched the scrolls held within the urn at the entrance to the Pendragon shrine. People of Albion passed me by as they went in to pay respect. I hope my presence there did not interrupt them from their thoughts.

Trials for the High Incantors

Saturday evening found me busy with my duties at the Mages Guild. As the evening drew late I enjoyed a break and sketched the comings and goings of the Incantors Guild. Many seemed to be attending to clarify their challenges for learning the art of high incantation. As usual, nothing of great value comes too easily, I wish those in the trials the best of luck.

Signway of Albion

Outside the ritual circle area stood a sign to distant areas of Albion. Before the sun reached higher & toasted this artist to an uncomfortable red tone I decided to sketch its image.

Light of the Dragon

An old friend caught up with me as I sat sketching the dragon lantern opposite the ritual circle. He was telling me of the previous evenings endeavours to cater for the customers in the casino. It's always a pleasure to catch up with friends in the quiet pace of a sunny morning, especially when the scene before my pen makes for a dramatic piece too.

Throne of Hunter

As usual I took my morning wander while many at the moot were still asleep. All was peaceful as I bimbled into the ritual area and found myself looking down a hall lined with banners with a throne to Hunter of Albion at the end. I settled in to capture the scene.

The Source of Life

Early on the Friday evening of the summer moot I wandered from the Wolf camp to the guild area. As I approached Knight Marshal R'vesh called to me and urged me to attend the Healer Guild as The Source of Life herself had turned up to speak with the Lifemasters. Much as I wanted to say hello & pay my respects, her time was limited & I had to settle for committing her image to memory & sketching her later.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

The Grimoire of Knowledge.

As the Bards Guild began getting ready for their day I noticed the Grimoire of Knowledge sitting on its plinth close to their desk. Leather bound and embossed covers with metal clasps gave an elegance to its presence but hid the power within it. Later that morning my friend Laucian from the Healers would be called to check the pattern of a Rite Master who had centred a Rite around the book and found its power damaging.

Breastplate at the Armourers Guild.

It had been a little while since my last visit to the Armourers Guild and I was glad to find my way back there. It was a little early to say hello to the Masters but forge was waiting to be drawn. Standing behind a chair was an impressive breastplate and I made it the subject of this visit.

Bottles, Goblets, Rocks and Tankards.

The final morning of the GEF 1116 brought me back to the Tesseract. At the feet of the statues on the wall of the arena was an array of objects from the area of the Argonaught.

The Arrival of Master Ixxil

During a meeting of the Mages Guild I had my attention brought from my note book back into the realms around me by the arrival of Master Ixxil. His distinctive appearance is overshadowed by his knowledge of all matters magical and he had tasks and matters to discuss and assign to the mages senior to me. I decided it was best not to get in the way but I could not resist drawing the scene later when I was sitting selling my postcards later.

The Great Library.

Those of us who indulge in scholarly pursuits are well aware of the Great Library, one of the books sitting on the desk was bound in metal covers. Two good friend who often call by to see me on my sketching wanders were suitably impressed with the book and set me a challenge to draw it. Challenge answered my friends!

A Horned Skull in the Alchemists Guild.

After finishing my first sketch I walked over to visit the Alchemists Guild. I always seem to feel spoiled for choice with the array or bottles, apparatus and scrolls ready to be drawn. On this occasion my attention was caught by the horned skull sitting on the floor as if ready for the eager nib of a worn pen to pass the image on to those who take the time to glance over this book.

The Flame and the Tower.

The second full day of the GEF brought a warm morning to ease my old bones and draw me back into my strolling and sketching. Back in the Tesseract the tower blazed a bright flame from the roof as a beacon to those who would take the arena in contest later in the day.

A Home for the Sapling of Idunn in the Wyrmspire Grove.

As midday came an went on the first full day of the GEF disturbing reports reached us of the Wellspring of Evil creating a maelstrom of damage heading through Norsca. Two groups of Wolves left the GEF to travel to New Odinshiem to try and do what we could to limit damage. I left in the first group with Romain, Alfgand, Drystan and Winter to try and recover the sapling of Idunn before it could come to harm in the fury. We transported out to the peace of the grove at Wyrmspire to see if the sapling could be planted in the grove and find a new home. We were delighted to find the grove accepted the sapling and we were able to show our faith and respect. I committed the memory of the little tree to paper later in a moment of peace and reverence, such moments have to be taken before we travel back after the GEF to face the trail of devastation.

My thanks to my companions on this trip, I am grateful for your help.

The Orb.

My final sketch of the morning took me to The Orb in the Powers Guilds. Save for an occasional visitor to view The Orb I was left alone to capture an image of it sitting on its pillar. Later in the morning it would unleash its power through various means. At one point Major Suffering of the Vipers was catapulted out of it, every touch made to help him brought a painful arcane experience for those of us trying to help him. It is certainly an item to be treated with care.

The Scouts Desk.

As I left the Tesseract to explore the guilds area I found an unusual composition sitting on the desk in the Scouts Guild. A stone egg and vials of coloured liquid sat on a bed of stones held by a plate. This was flanked by small stone skulls. I do not often get chance to sit within the Scouts Guild and took the opportunity to capture the carefully laid composition.

The Apple Cart.

I followed the walls of the viewing area to a corner of the Tesseract, standing alone save for a few scattered apples on the floor was a cart, the owner was no where to be seen so I settled in to sketch its form into my book.

The Fountain in the Cauldron of Stones.

A beautiful morning brought me to my senses and my wanderings on the first full day of the GEF 1116, I usually like to start my sketching by visiting the Tesseract to take in the sights before the crowds arrive. Sitting high on a wall among the apples and greenery was a fountain bubbling away to add the song of water to the growing sunlight. It made a gentle and welcome scene for my first sketch.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

The Incantors Guild.

I have often intended to sketch the interior of the Incantors Guild, it is an impressive setting but it is also a busy place where an artist would get in the way no matter how much I try to squash myself out of the way. However with a little assistance from the Master of Dark Incantation I managed to capture an image at this years moot. For those who have not had time to call in I certainly recommend a visit.

Drawers and Shelves

More glassware was stored into shelves and benches around the lab.

Cabinet of Small Skulls

Plants had grown in one area of the Overseers Lab, beneath the taller plants stood a small wooden framed glass cabinet. Small skulls sat on top, contained in its dark recessed were more jars of dubious liquids.

A Warriors Well Earned Meal.

Most of my time on the second day of the moot was spent carrying out guild duties for the Mages and Healers Guild. After quite a few hours on my feet standing guard and visiting factions with news of matters urgent and of information I took my leave and called in the bar to enjoy a pint. It seems another was also doing the same and was enjoying a well earned meal. I had no wish to disturb him as he ate but chose sketch him from across the bar. I had almost finished my sketch as he finished his meal. As he tided up and collected his trusty swords I took the time to wander over and say hello. His name was Giles Merryweather from the Jackals Faction, once he realised I meant nothing sinister in my greeting he proved to be a friendly & well mannered warrior. I hope you enjoyed your meal Giles and found safety and rest in the darkening hours.

Lost Young Souls

Tucked behind a wall at the end of the Overseers Lab was a collection of toys. Bears, dolls and other forms lay in the undergrowth. It seems the Overseer did not hold his subjects and studies to adults. One bear in particular caught my eye as it seemed to hold a paw out looking for a lost companion.

Alchemy of the Overseer

Dawn on the second day of the moot brought me back to Laboratory of the Overseer. One area held jars of many liquids and distorted forms. Some jars bubbled and frothed in a reaction of their own elements. The bench of jars made for an early exercise for this artist.

Conversations About The Arcane

Once I had finished my sketch at my first location I moved to sit by the Mages guild. Master Tirwen was busy as always behind the desk and Master Implar was coming and going dealing with the issues of his day. Seated infront of the desk two mages chatted and compared notes, engrossed in their conversation they didn’t seem to notice me sketching them into the scene. I finished my sketch, chatted with those who called by and sold a card to a gentleman of good taste from the Wardens (thank you sir!), still the two mages talked.

A Busy Day at the Guilds

As afternoon arrived on the first full day of the moot I carried my postcards and sign board down to the guild area. I couldn’t resist sketching the comings and goings of visitors to the Corruptors and the Incantors Guilds. It is a pleasure to chat with people as they call by an hopefully stir a memory or two of the many places we have seen on our travels.

Time for the Watchers.

As the yellow mists gathered in the ritual circle area I left to stroll around the guild areas. Standing on the table of the watchers was an impressive sand timer. I settled myself by the desk to sketch it in my book before the Watchers arrived to supervise their usual busy schedule of rituals and visitors to their desk.

The Great Tree.

I passed through the further chambers of the Overseers Lab to the ritual circle of The Great Tree. Here at least it seemed nature and more natural energies held sway over the macabre scenes of the lab.

Gloves and Botanical Samples.

Away from the Test Bays furniture stood against the stone walls, sturdy gloves sat beside jars containing botanical samples. Before I started my sketch a young girl appeared next to me,

“The Overseer is going to kill you,” she whispered. Unnerved by the proclamation by new companion I stumbled over my reply before asking why?
“Are you a member of the Unicorn Faction?” She asked
“Err No,” I replied
“Oh, in that case you will probably be OK” she added before wandering off.

I breathed a sigh of relief, that was turning sinister to the point of needing a change of underwear.

I Didn't Understand People Until I Took One Apart.

A cold night gave way to a frosty morning as I wandered into the lab of the Overseer. Aside from the cool breeze pushing through the Test Bays all was still. The skeletons of test subjects lay on the mortuary slab and medical notes daubed the walls. I set about making my own notes and sketches to capture the scene.