As late morning approached I decided to revisit the splendour of the vipers ritual circle. Sitting myself down by the wall I looked over the scene and details of the circle before making my first marks on the sketchbook. I had the basics drawn down as the first ritualists and eager observers arrived to begin the proceedings. It was appropriate to find them to be Vipers, we exchanged friendly banter and I was relieved to find I was welcome to carry on sketching. They were indeed skilled at their art and they filled the circle with energies of meaning, humour and dark wit as they sought to achieve a magical awakening for Odd Job (one their prominent citizens). I particularly enjoyed the moments where the ritualists stopped for a brief moment of two to pose for my sketch. It was a pleasure to catch up with one of the ritualists afterwards and show him I had captured a likeness of him in the sketch (such as you can with a few quick scribes of a pen), he was kind enough to give me a gold coin for my trouble, I wonder if I can pay the Alchemists to make me some more brown ink!
I am glad to say the ritual for Odd Job was of course a success.
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