Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Statue of Justice

My final sketch of the moot took me back to the Militia Guild. Standing on a table at the back of their guild area was an elegant statue I had not noticed before. It proved a challenging subject but I was pleased with the end result. Before I left I penned a card to the Militia Captain who would be on duty later in the morning. I hope they find the new image & hope it pleases them.

The Misty Pool

To the north entrance of the ritual circle area stood a small pool bubbling and tumbling with mists. Many objects sat within the waters, I decided to take only memories & make a sketch to accompany them.

Scrolls at the Pendragon Shrine

The last morning of the summer moot provided a warm & peaceful start to the day. I sat & sketched the scrolls held within the urn at the entrance to the Pendragon shrine. People of Albion passed me by as they went in to pay respect. I hope my presence there did not interrupt them from their thoughts.

Trials for the High Incantors

Saturday evening found me busy with my duties at the Mages Guild. As the evening drew late I enjoyed a break and sketched the comings and goings of the Incantors Guild. Many seemed to be attending to clarify their challenges for learning the art of high incantation. As usual, nothing of great value comes too easily, I wish those in the trials the best of luck.

Signway of Albion

Outside the ritual circle area stood a sign to distant areas of Albion. Before the sun reached higher & toasted this artist to an uncomfortable red tone I decided to sketch its image.

Light of the Dragon

An old friend caught up with me as I sat sketching the dragon lantern opposite the ritual circle. He was telling me of the previous evenings endeavours to cater for the customers in the casino. It's always a pleasure to catch up with friends in the quiet pace of a sunny morning, especially when the scene before my pen makes for a dramatic piece too.

Throne of Hunter

As usual I took my morning wander while many at the moot were still asleep. All was peaceful as I bimbled into the ritual area and found myself looking down a hall lined with banners with a throne to Hunter of Albion at the end. I settled in to capture the scene.

The Source of Life

Early on the Friday evening of the summer moot I wandered from the Wolf camp to the guild area. As I approached Knight Marshal R'vesh called to me and urged me to attend the Healer Guild as The Source of Life herself had turned up to speak with the Lifemasters. Much as I wanted to say hello & pay my respects, her time was limited & I had to settle for committing her image to memory & sketching her later.